Saturday 7 September 2013

Healthy habits for a healthy life !!!

 There are a few healthy habits which can be followed in daily routine life. These habits will improve blood circulation in the body and also increases the energy levels and fitness.

Exercise: If you are planning to add a daily dose of exercise to your routine, this is the right time to start. There is nothing like an early morning walk to start with. A good brisk walk of about 30 minutes will recharge your batteries for the day. Half way round you could also exercise your joints by gently moving them around in different directions. If you are in your 30s, you could also jog for a brief while. People with arthritis must avoid jogging or too brisk walk. Avoid polluted areas for a walk. A couple of rounds in a nearby park will pump your spirits up. If you are game for company, motivate your neighbours to join. Some like walking alone. Such people can try taking a walkman along and listen to some good morning ragas.

A good walk in the evenings too is beneficial for health. When exercising outdoors in the winter time, choose all weather, well cusioned flat-soled shoes and thick cotton socks. Breathe Well Be aware of your breathing. Cold air may irritate the respiratory tract and bring on angina (chest pain) or asthma in certain people so make sure your breathing does’nt feel restricted while exercising. If it does, stop immediately and go indoors.

Eat the right food While we eat what we like and relish, we also need to fulfil the desires of our tummies. Your digestive system needs some support and hence, try and consume as much raw vegetables and fruits as possible. 51% of every meal should be Raw food. While this is ideal, it is practically impossible for most. But those who follow this will definitely see a huge difference in their lifestyle within 4-5 weeks in terms of reduced weight, active and ability to think better.

For more information visit

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